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Context - Stakeholders and other systems

FA Platform is a key system within our client’s software and services landscape. It interacts with other systems and is normally acting as a central repository of all key investments-related information and also as a hub between all the stakeholders, systems and services.



The main users of FA Platform are our client’s own employees. The types of users depends on the capacity in which the FA Platform is used. Typically, the middle and back office users are the main types of users as the FA Platform is the core of all investment management operations. Optionally, the usage of FA Platform is extended to cover also the end-client facing operations including the end-clients / investors and front office users. In most cases, the regulators are also stakeholders even if they are not direct users of the FA Platform.

In-house/SaaS Systems

FA Platform is often a central hub connecting with other systems within our client’s system architecture. FA Platform does not require other systems to be available, but in many cases, our clients requires FA Platform to interact with accounting system. In some cases, also Execution management system (EMS), Order management system (OMS), Client relationship management system (CRM) and Business Intelligence systems (BI) are also involved.

External service providers

The key external services for using FA Platform is market data services. FA Platform connects with multiple different market data providers that our clients are using. Additionally, when automating the workflows, additional services are also used including payment, trading and custody services.