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Selecting dates

Choosing a date into a date field is relevant in several parts of FA. The field is visible when creating portfolios, securities, transactions or reports, and in several views. The date field appears as a single date or as a date range with dynamic selections. You can insert the date to date fields with several different ways described below.

Dynamic date ranges

When you choose a date or a date range in FA Back, you can:

  • Select specific dates. To do this, click the calendar icon next to the date field.

  • Select dates from the dynamic options, such as "Previous month" or "Last 3 months". Dynamic dates stay always up-to-date. For example, if you save a report on the Overview or a transactions search on the Transactions view with a dynamic date selection of "Previous month", the saved report or search will always be shown for the previous month in relation to today.

Dynamic options for date range are:

  • From beginning

  • D0: Current day

  • D1: Previous day

  • W0: Current week

  • W1: Previous week

  • M0: Current month

  • M1: Previous month

  • Q0: Current quarter

  • Q1: Previous quarter

  • H0: Current half-year

  • H1: Previous half-year

  • Y0: Current year

  • Y1: Previous year

  • YM0: Current year to prev. month

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 3 months

  • Last 6 months

  • Last 12 months

Dynamic options for a single date are:

  • Current day

  • Previous day

  • First day of current month

  • Last day of previous month

  • First day of current quarter

  • Last day of previous quarter

  • First day of current half-year

  • Last day of previous half-year

  • First day of current year

  • Last day of previous year

Choosing a date from calendar

You can choose a date from the calendar icon next to the field: by clicking the icon, a calendar opens up next to the field. The desired date is chosen from the calendar. The calendar opens up showing the present month, and the default date selection is on the current date. You can open the calendar view also by selecting the date field and pressing the downward arrow key.

When you choose a date from a calendar, the selected date is marked with a blue background. The present date is marked with a light-blue border. It is also possible to move through the dates of the calendar with the arrow keys: when moving with the arrow keys, the movements in the calendar view are marked with a black dotted border around the date. The date is selected either by clicking the desired date or moving to the desired date with the arrow keys and pressing Enter.

The arrows at the top of the calendar view and next to the field showing the current month and year are used to navigate from one month to another. The inner, single arrows can be used to take the calendar view to previous / next month. The outer, double arrows can be used to take the calendar view to one year behind / ahead from the currently visible month.

Inserting a date manually

You can also insert the date in the field manually in different formats. For example, the date 1.6.2011 can be inserted in the following ways:

  • 1.6.2011 or 01.06.2011 – Write the date in the regular format, with or without zeros before days / months.

  • 010611 or 01062011 – Write the date without the dots between the numbers, either as ddmmyy or ddmmyyyy.

  • 0106 – Write the date without a year as ddmm, when the date is selected from the present year.

The date can also be chosen with abbreviations:

  • d – The present date.

  • d + number – The present day minus the amount of days indicated by the number (for example, d1 chooses yesterday and d2 the day before yesterday).

  • m – The present date.

  • m + number – Chooses the last day of the month that is determined by the present month minus the amount of months indicated by the number (for example, m1 chooses the last day of the last month).

  • q – The current date.

  • q + number – The last day of the quarter year that is determined by the present quarter year minus the amount of quarter years indicated by the number (for example, q1 chooses the last day of the last quarter year).

  • y – The last day of the present year.

  • y + number – The last day of the year that is determined by the present year minus the amount of years indicated by the number (for example, y1 chooses the last day of the last year).

The inserted abbreviations are transformed into the right date format after you remove the selection from the field by clicking any other part of the window.