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Update contact information with Roaring

You can get up-to-date contact information from local authorities in Finland and Sweden by using the Roaring integration.


You need an agreement with Roaring to use the integration. Roaring can guide you through getting the necessary agreements and permits.

The contacts whose information you want to fetch must have their social security numbers stored as the Contact ID in FA Back.

Setting up

To set up the Roaring connection, see Set up Roaring connection.

Running contact information updates

To update contact information using the Roaring integration, go to the Contacts view, search for the contacts whose information you want to update, and select → Update from Finnish population register or → Update from Swedish population register at the bottom of the view.

The following fields in the Contact window are updated:

  • Name

  • Address

  • The following fields are updated only from the Swedish population register: 

    • Tag group Deregistration is updated with the official reason code if the contact has been removed from the population register. The reason codes are listed on the Roaring website.

    • Key figure Death date is updated with the death date of a deceased person. This is accompanied by the Deregistration tag AV.

    • Key figure Guardian is updated with the social security number of the contact's legal guardian and the date of validity.