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Model portfolio

Model portfolio preferences allow you to define model portfolio that are used to keep your investment portfolio in balance through rebalancing.

The existing model portfolios are listed at the left side of the window with the name of the model portfolio, and you can view and modify the model portfolio by selecting it from the list. You can add a new model portfolio with the Add model portfolio button.

Model portfolio information

The model portfolio information, both for fluctuating or fixed content, is defined in the fields at the right side of the window: a red star indicates a mandatory field. You can only define either fluctuating or fixed content, not both.


Available fields are:


The name of the model portfolio, which enables the model portfolio to be identified easily.


The individual model portfolio code that separates it from other model portfolios.

Linked portfolio (only when defining fluctuating shares)

Portfolio that represents the model portfolio (created in the system as a regular portfolio). If the contents of the model portfolio are not defined in this window, and a portfolio is linked to the model portfolio, the contents of the linked portfolio are used as the model portfolio contents. Linking a portfolio to the model portfolio allows updating the model portfolio contents and shares by updating the portfolio linked to the model portfolio.

Number of portfolios the model portfolio is linked to:

The number of portfolios linked to the model portfolio. The number indicates, how many portfolios the model portfolio is linked to, and how many portfolios are rebalanced against this portfolio.

Restrict this model portfolio to be shown to roles

Restrict the access to this model portfolio to only certain user roles. The list of user roles includes:

  • User roles assigned in the FA Admin Console app (for details, see User details pane).User details pane

  • Underlying system-level roles marked with # before the role name.

Date (only when defining fixed shares)

The date from which the model portfolio is valid (usually the creation or start date of the portfolio). The model portfolio can be updated by adding a new date and re-defining the positions of the model portfolio below this date: the updated model portfolio is valid from the new date onward.

Allow the sum of model portfolio shares other than 100%

When enabled, the model portfolio shares does not have to add up to 100%, allowing you to define partial or leveraged models. If your model portfolio doesn't add up to 100%, you are presented with a question Positions in your model portfolio add up to xx %. Do you want to save your model portfolio even though it does not add up to 100 %? to prevent you from unintentionally saving non-complete model portfolios.